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IntelliAppZ - Revolution!

Digital Automation Redefined

IntelliAppZ is a stand-alone automation unit with an embedded process to perform a specific automation requirement. It is stand-alone because it does not need any IntelliBuddies® platform components to be deployed before executing and performing automation. It gives you the flexibility of deploying on your existing system and configuring it to work very quickly. It can be scheduled to run anytime, hence making it available 24/7.

IntelliBuddies® is a powerful AI & ML infused platform that has helped many enterprises make their digital journey quick and delightful. It enables Rapid Digital Automation (RDA) by way of providing Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Business Process Automation (BPA), and integration with 3rd party tools and technologies on a single platform.

When it comes to their digital journey, enterprises that want to see its benefits think twice about proceeding due to perceived relatively large setups and initial investment. Often, this, coupled with the need to adopt many related but disparate technologies, results in the status quo on how to go about digital transformations in enterprises. Larger enterprises are quick to embrace digital automation, they would rather start small, validate ROI and then scale up their usage while small & medium enterprises on the other hand have the problem of capex and recurring runtime costs. IntelliBuddies® addresses this dilemma of adaptability and cost-benefit considerations using a unique technology. So, for all who want to try and see the benefits of RDA for enterprises, IntelliAppZ is a path-breaking, disruptive feature that helps break the glass ceilings of digital automation.

Intelliappz Redefined

We at IntelliBuddies® think that bigger goals are achieved by taking small steps and we are committed to allowing the same when it comes to adopting digital automation platforms. We want organizations to think big, start small and scale faster! Instead of presenting some numbers based on the experiences, we should allow organizations to measure the benefits on their own. And in doing so, cost should be the last thing to come on the way.

Traditional digital automation platforms come bundled with multiple components that need to coexist to leverage the benefits. A buddy in any manifestation must exist in conjunction with a supporting structure which typically involves a comprehensive platform. Once a process is designed, Buddy executes it automatically as per schedules or triggers or manually. However, Buddy needs a complete ecosystem to perform its job. What this in turn means is that Buddies are always platform-dependent. Thus, it makes it mandatory for enterprises to continue to subscribe to the platform and its components forever. More than often many enterprises would require Buddies to do specific jobs, the process maps of which seldom change. What if, we can create a Buddy that would accomplish a specifically targeted task and executes it independently, once designed, without relying on any platform components?

Example IntelliAppZ Solutions


Welcome to IntelliAppZ! IntelliAppZ is a stand-alone automation unit with an embedded process to perform a specific automation requirement. It is stand-alone because it does not need any IntelliBuddies® platform components to be deployed before it can execute and perform automation. It gives you the flexibility of deploying on your existing system and configuring it to work very quickly. It can be scheduled to run anytime and hence making it available 24/7.

IntelliBuddies® platform lets enterprises create IntelliAppZ Buddies that are designed once and generated into traditional executables. This provides immense value to enterprises as it significantly reduces their investment in components that are redundant. IntelliBuddies® platform has been designed to generate IntelliAppZ from Process Designer. It is as simple as creating a process map and compiling it into an executable. If you ever have to change the behaviour of such an IntelliAppZ, you can always open the process map in Process Designer, make necessary changes and then recompile it back into an executable. IntelliAppZ is a revolutionary new way of giving flexibility to enterprises to create executables and is certainly a game changer and a key differentiator that IntelliBuddies® provides. We believe our partners can leverage this unique new feature that IntelliBuddies® has to offer and create true value for their customers.

Let’s take a common industry-specific example to drive our point:


RPM Compliance Reporter - IntelliAppZ

Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) is an agreement between a manufacturer and the stockists not to sell a product below a specified price. However, in this Digital age, competition on pricing is massive, and controlling the e-sellers on RPM would be very challenging. Several e-commerce platforms are open 24/7 globally for e-sellers to do their business. These e-commerce platforms provide an easy mechanism to alter sales pricing daily, thus enabling pricing manipulation without getting noticed. Keeping a watch on your seller pricing in these various e-commerce platforms is laborious and expensive.


RPM Compliance Reporter is an IntelliAppZ designed and developed by Vyshnavi Information Technologies (I) Private Limited, which is a registered Implementation Partner of IntelliBuddies®.

The RPM Compliance Reporter allows you to configure the SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) to monitor the e-commerce platforms. It currently works with two major e-commerce platforms, Amazon and Flipkart. Once configured, you can run the RPM Compliance Reporter, which then gets into Amazon and Flipkart, gathering the information about every SKU configured and finding out any offences related to the pricing from registered e-sellers under the corresponding platform.

At the end of the execution, the RPM Compliance Reporter will send a summary of the execution, containing the overview of the offences, to the configured email. It will also upload the detailed offence report per seller to the configured google drive. The detailed report would contain a screenshot of the e-commerce page showing the offence related to the pricing criteria.


  • 100% automation of your RPM Compliance
  • Scheduling capabilities to make it available 24/7
  • Summary report through email for quick offence monitoring
  • Detailed report with screenshots to prove the offence and with the capability to upload them to the configured google drive
  • Eliminate manual tracking that could be error-prone and expensive
  • Increase your process efficiency with your sellers
  • Provides a customized solution for your organization's specific requirements


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