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The correct infrastructure to improve the efficiency of the NHS

by: Fiona Bayle   2019-03-27   InformationAge : InformationAge

Improve NHS by N/A is licensed under unsplash Unsplash

In healthcare industry, The NHS has long been accused of wasting millions of pounds on uneaten food. A report has revealed that between 2011 and 2012 alone, over nine million meals were left uneaten. The cost to the NHS? A staggering £27 million.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is here to assist you in Healthcare to handle such situations and improve providing better business. Robotics Process Automation works across your organization, amid a wide range of activities to streamline your business. The RPA benefit both the patients and the NHS by offering a well-rounded customer experience which can have a knock-on effect on improving the efficiency of the NHS benefiting both patients. With minimal effort and cost, RPA helps to build software assistants (buddies) into your business processes that would in-turn help your organization to automate your business.

Improving the efficiency of the NHS can often boil down to improving the patient experience through the use of a hospital management system. When the correct solution is implemented, both valuable time and money can be saved, as well as creating a more connected and engaging experience during the patient’s hospital stay. Fiona Bayle invites us to pick up our metaphorical stethoscope, and hear how better infrastructure can support the NHS.

However, with the correct infrastructure, such as a hospital management system, patients can be assigned a number so that if they move beds or wards within the hospital, their meals aren’t wasted, rather they can redirected. Depending on the solution picked, the best platforms can save around £182,000 on food wastage each year.

  • Embracing the right platform to boost NHS efficiency and improve patient experience
    Patients can’t be blamed for feeling lonely and isolated from the rest of the world. Combined with the limitations of traditional bedside entertainment systems that we find in the majority of hospitals, patient happiness and satisfaction can significantly decrease and reduce the efficiency of the NHS.
  • What might this technology look like in the future?
    Compared to legacy systems, this is already a major breakthrough, and more NHS Trusts are looking to implement a platform of some kind to improve their efficiency alongside patient experience. However, it’s no secret that futuristic technology is going to become the norm as technology evolves alongside patient needs.

IntelliBuddies® - A RPA platform that is currently helping the Healthcare Industry to solve its challenges with the bundled tools and technologies that this platform is built upon. The platform can be orchestrated on-premises or on any other cloud configuration, making it highly flexible and scalable. A cloud-based intelligent automation solution is the ideal platform for digital transformation, because digital workforce uses existing software and operates in collaboration with manforce. You can implement a much better and faster processes and channels for customer communication and transaction.

Improvising the NHS processes through intelligent automation will provide a better working atmosphere and satisfaction for the personnel by implementing more efficient solutions with robust and scalable technologies which comprises of integrated security, role-based access, dedicated SmartStations for your buddies, best-in-advance AI access, and many more.

Source: InformationAge